Thursday, February 28, 2008


Hed \-ˌchēz\
Date:word submitted 1841
: a jellied loaf or sausage made from edible parts of the head, feet, and sometimes the tongue and heart especially of a pig .


I myself thinking that i'm a "worldly" expert on what is palatable or interesting,decided to "try" something new,something different.Well so much for being "open' to new,check this out.

I got this single mission, find a market,deli or back alley to find the elusive cheese.Why do they call it cheese????? There is no milk in it that i know of.There is absolutely no way i am going to "melt' it for a grilled cheese sandwich.

According to the ingredients :

"the meaty chunks of a cow's, sheep's, or pig's head,
chopped and combined with a savory gelatinous broth
and allowed to cool in a mold"

Savory ????
Well let me tell you anyone that considers this conglomerate of entrails,beaks,feet,testicle chips,ear lobes something to yell about is mistaken.
I sure third world countries would even consider my "sandwich" an unholy creation.
Did some poor retch one day come home and say ..."I could sure use some cow jelly on my plate ! " ???? Not likely. I'm sure the wife and kids back then would have rathered boiled an old boot then have that.
Apparently one can still get this marvel of modern "eats".considering that twinkies are known to have no shelf life,i think i'll eat things heavy in preservatives.

If i can last as long as a twinkie's all good

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